Data Location

Workspaces stores its settings in your Library directory. It's location depends on where you bought the app from:

  • App Store: ~/Library/Containers/com.apptorium.Workspaces/Data/Library/Application Support/com.apptorium.Workspaces
  • Website: ~/Library/Application Support/com.apptorium.Workspaces-paddle
  • Setapp: ~/Library/Application Support/com.apptorium.Workspaces-setapp

You can simply find it out by entering Settings → Data and clicking Open Data Folder button.


In this directory you will find the following files and directories:

  • actions.json – a JSON file that stores settings of the installed plugins
  • Favicons – a directory that caches icons of websites you store links to in your workspaces
  • Plugins – all installed plugins. However, they might be installed also by copying them to /Applications directory.
  • statistics.json – simple numbers of launched workspaces and resources over time. In future, we'll add them into the app, so you can see how many times you used Workspaces. They are only on your computer and only you have access to them.
  • workspaces.json – that's the most important file. It stores all your workspaces and their settings and notes.